April - June 2016 in pictures

With the arrival of Spring, our adventures have continued happily!
We are thankful for a relatively pleasant Spring in Brittany, with, it seems, a lot less rain than in the rest of France. We enjoyed several family outings.

In flowery gardens...

... or playgrounds.

What a privilege to have the countryside on our doorstep to enjoy picnics.

During the Spring holidays, our town organized a week of free activities for children.
The programme included, amongst other things : rock climbing...

and "slack-lining" (walking across a strap).

In April, we also enjoyed spending a week on Mamie and Papy's farm.
As always, it was lovely to be outdoors and take care of the animals...

... to learn how to plant onions...

... or how to make bread.

The cherry on the cake for us parents was to get away to La Rochelle for a couple of days, just the two of us. That hadn't happened since Claire was born!

And we thoroughly enjoyed cycling around the Isle of Ré on a tandem. 

Back at home, Claire has started helping to dry the dishes. 

Julie and Anna's school had an open evening so that we could admire their artwork of the year.

Beginning of May, David took part in an evening organised by Agapé Campus on the theme "Faith at work". He was delighted to be part of a panel of Christians working in very different areas and to answer the questions of the students on how we live out our faith in our work.

In May, Anna mastered the art of riding a bike without stabilizers or a parent holding her. Well done Anna!

Anna also thoroughly enjoyed her godmother's visit over a long weekend. Among the highlights were rediscovering the traditional game of  "Pope Joan" on our sunny patio. 

This year, we cut back on our gardening ambitions. But we enjoyed getting our hands dirty to prepare a few garden pots. 

Mid-May, David and the other Agapé France ministry leaders spent several days together in the Paris area. It was a great opportunity to share all that God has done in our different teams this year, based on Psalm 136 ("for His love endures forever").

Agapé France's AGM was held that same week. David was in charge of the technical side of things at the back of the room.

On the technical side, David also continues to help with the sound-system in our Church in Rennes once a month. Again, at the back! :-)

Julie continues to develop and share her musical talents. She sang with her choir at an old people's home and their performance was greatly appreciated.

We were also able to admire her pianist skills when she played on a grand piano at a music school audition.

As for Anna, she had the privilege and great joy of going on a a three-day school trip to an animal park.  

End of May, we celebrated Carolyn on Mother's Day, a unique and amazing Mum, an irreplaceable member of our family. 

Our Agapé Rennes team took a special time to thank God in a very practical way. We all put our artistic skills together to create a mobile where we will be able to write all that we want to give thanks for throughout the year. We are very pleased with the result.

To end this retrospective, look at the joy on Julie's face as she was able at last to take a long-awaited walk in the forest with her daddy. 

Thank you Lord for your love and your grace which are behind all these highlights of times spent as a family, with friends, or with colleagues! 


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