
Showing posts from March, 2019

February-March 2019 in pictures

This year, Claire joined Julie and Anna to run our local race "Tout Betton Court". All three gave it their all to the finish line. Well done champions! In February, Agapé organised some leisure activities in a center for asylum seekers in Rennes. Carolyn, Anna and Claire enjoyed being part of it and bringing some joy and hope to these children whose future is uncertain. A joyful train trip as a family... ... and enjoying a few days in sunny Lyon. End of February, the Agapé France team gathered in the Ardèche region for our annual Staff Conference. During the gathering, our colleague Trent gave a touching speech to celebrate David's 10th ministry anniversary with Agapé France. Unfortunately, Carolyn had to stay at home with the girls (who were at school) but she deserves to be celebrated all the same for her 10 years of service with Agapé 😊. We give thanks to God for His work in and through our lives during these 10 years. In March, David was in Toulouse to meet Agapé Cam