
Showing posts from June, 2013

May - June 2013 in pictures

Julie and Anna enjoying a go on a roundabout during a few days in Lyon A very tiring end of school year! David and Trent at the projection desk for Agapé France's 40th Anniversary And Carolyn warmly welcoming visitors You'll find more photos of the event here:  . You can also watch a few retrospective videos of the last 4 decades since the 70's here (narration in French):  . The beginnings of a promising duo... Open Day at our Church on 1st June Discovering fishing... A beautiful show of songs and dances at the school fete ♩♩♪♫ "La mamannnn des poissonnnnns, elle est bien gentiiiiiiiille" ♫♩♪♫ Walking the rabbit (not ours!)... A lovely family outing to a local event called "Bazar le jour, bizarre la nuit"