
Showing posts from April, 2018

February - April 2018 in pictures

End of February, we had the joy and privilege of gathering with our Agapé France colleagues, who came from all over France for our Annual Staff Conference. We met in the Ardèche region again this year. It was a very busy week for David, in front of his computer from morning till night to show different slideshows or videos... ... or front of stage to share the vision of the Digital Committee: Using digital means to fulfil our mission to make Jesus known. We also took advantage of the snow for some photo shoots. This year Julie, Anna and Claire stayed in Lyon with Grandma and Grandad. And they had a lot of fun! Back in Rennes, our Agapé Rennes team organised the "Awakening of the Senses" evening on March 16th. Around 60 people came and enjoyed the photo exhibition about the vine, along with verses from John 15, in a very nice high school hall in the center of Rennes. As the people discussed around the tables about the meaning of life, they were also invited to taste and enjoy