
Showing posts from July, 2021

February to June 2021 in pictures

In February, Carolyn, Julie, Anna and Claire really enjoyed helping the children of the CADA (centre for asylum seekers) in Rennes to paint a large fresco on the wall of one of their kitchens to brighten up their daily lives. At home, Anna continues to take care of her babies Cracotte and Noisette (our two guinea pigs). End of February, they tried out their little travel bag to spend a weekend with David's family in the Vendée. During this family weekend, we were able to go for a long walk, some of us riding donkeys. David continues his regular father-daughter outings, whenever possible. With the Spring weather, cycling in nature was much appreciated. We are also grateful that we have a park nearby which allows us to have occasional picnics during our lunch break. After the third lockdown in April, what a joy to be able to take a trip to the seaside again in May. Not so enjoyable, after a year of dealing with water leaks and completely redoing our bathroom in 2020, 2021 is the year