
Showing posts from November, 2019

September-October 2019 in pictures

Here are some highlights of the last two months. Julie turned 12 in September! Julie received a big new bike as a birthday present. She is using it daily to go to school. Anna inherited Julie's previous bike and Claire inherited Anna's one. They are all very happy! :-) Mid-October, Agapé France team leaders gathered near Paris for a spiritual retreat and some time to share information. On a Friday morning, Agapé Rennes staff went together to Rennes city center to start spiritual conversations with the people walking by. Here we are around the Roolax, a wheel with different themes to talk about faith in connection with life topics . More information (in French) about the Roolax here. . Every Wednesday at 8am, David and a few colleagues read the Bible and pray together. It is a highlight of their week. So when Dan (who moved to Paris) was back for a visit, for sure everyone decided to bring croissants :-) . During the school holidays, the whole family went to the CADA (Asylum See