
December 2015 - January 2016 in pictures

Our life has been filled with many more events and adventures as a family or as a team since the last photos we shared on this blog. In December, we joyfully celebrated Christmas with our Agapé colleagues around our traditional Christmas breakfast. We also invited a few friends and neighbours to share in the good news of Christmas around a "Goûter". The whole family took part in getting everthing ready to welcome our guests. This year, we celebrated Christmas at home with Carolyn's parents and her brother Chris (and his fiancée). Our Christmas tree was too small for the number of presents! We cooked a delicous Christmas meal of roast lamb with mint sauce, green beans and roast potatoes. Yummy! Amongst the presents were two little men with green hair... After watering them a few times and several days keeping warm in the kitchen, they were ready for their first hairdoes.  A few days of holiday around Christmas also gave us the chance to go on some family outings.  Julie an

June - October 2015 in pictures

What a lot of adventures we have had since the month of June! As seems to be the case every year, the sun was shining brightly once again for the school Fête which involved songs and dances performed by the children, a bouncy castle, a lucky dip, and of course the much awaited pony-ride (a first for Claire who was able to ride with her big sister!)… ... and last but not least, we enjoyed the traditional Breton "galettes-saucisses" (sausage pancakes)! For a few weeks, pretty floating gardens decorated our community’s artificial lake and visually enhanced our walks. With the arrival of summer, Claire made a joyful discovery: our home-made "petit-suisse ice-lollies". In July, we began our holidays with the second wedding of the year in David’s family. And Anna’s wish came true: she was able to dance with the bride! We continued our holiday with a visit to the Sables-d'Olonne zoo. Then, we headed to the other side of France to celebrate Carolyn’s parents’ 40th weddi