
March - May 2013 in pictures

Several churches gathered together for an Easter service in Rennes Family picture on a 250-year-old cypress in Combourg 6th April: Official opening ceremony in our new Church building Surprise dinner out as a family, precious moments for parents and children 14th April: A day out with the Agapé Rennes team, including a service on the beach in Cancale 14th to 19th April: A week of intense programming in England with our british colleague, Jon Julie and Anna express their artistic talents Julie dressed up as a Bigouden for a Breton singing and dancing party with her school

Listening to God

We just recently got back from a week’s conference on the theme “ Listening to God ” which was a refreshing break. Our speaker, an incredibly humble man, talked to us about the different ways God can speak to us and how we can listen to God, as individuals, but also as communities. We particularly appreciated the time to put into practice what we learnt about listening, meditation and contemplative prayer. There would be so much to tell, but I would just like to share one of the ways God spoke to me during that week. One morning, as I sang the following words: « The Lord is slow to anger and abounding in love », my heart sank as I became aware once again of the huge gap between who God is and who I am. Maybe you can identify with such feelings of inadequacy. I could think of many occasions on which I had been the exact opposite: quick to anger and lacking in love, especially with my children, even though I so long to be like God. But this time, instead of spiraling down into despair,

January - March 2013 in pictures

Monthly men's lunch to share and pray together (Agapé office in January) Enjoying the snow in our garden in January Winter walk along the beach in the Vendée Worship and prayer during our annual staff conference in the Vendée beginning of March

November 2012 - January 2013 in pictures

Julie dressed-up as a Thanksgiving turkey! Happy Birthday Mummy! Christmas card workshop Christmas breakfast with the Agapé Rennes team The children enjoying singing for the Christmas service in our Church Lovely and warm Christmas presents First time out on the new bikes Biscuit decorating for Anna's birthday 3 years old, I'm a big girl at last!  Right eye at rest, left eye at work! Our new Church building