
June - October 2015 in pictures

What a lot of adventures we have had since the month of June! As seems to be the case every year, the sun was shining brightly once again for the school Fête which involved songs and dances performed by the children, a bouncy castle, a lucky dip, and of course the much awaited pony-ride (a first for Claire who was able to ride with her big sister!)… ... and last but not least, we enjoyed the traditional Breton "galettes-saucisses" (sausage pancakes)! For a few weeks, pretty floating gardens decorated our community’s artificial lake and visually enhanced our walks. With the arrival of summer, Claire made a joyful discovery: our home-made "petit-suisse ice-lollies". In July, we began our holidays with the second wedding of the year in David’s family. And Anna’s wish came true: she was able to dance with the bride! We continued our holiday with a visit to the Sables-d'Olonne zoo. Then, we headed to the other side of France to celebrate Carolyn’s parents’ 40th weddi

News Video - August 2015


March - May 2015 in pictures

Apart from a few aches and pains from time to time, everyone is doing well at home. The girls continue to grow, especially Claire who changes every week. She now eats like us (sometimes more!)  She is learning to read with her older sister :-) And she would even like to know how to write already! Her older sisters take good care of her. Claire also makes us laugh a lot. But she still remains our little baby. In April, we enjoyed visiting some of our friends and ministry partners in Lyon. And took the opportunity to have a few days holiday at Carolyn's parents'. On the agenda, a little bit of shopping... ... lots of stairs to climb down... ... beautiful walks in the forest ... ... discovering or rediscovering the centre of Lyon in the sunshine ... ... and especially lots of family laughter and games! One outing which we won't forget in a hurry was to the tree-climbing park on the Yzeron Plateau. Just look at Julie's radiant face! Julie and Anna were so brave and impressi